27/11/2024   Assoc. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto and and a coauthor were selected as The IEEJ-E APCOT Best Paper Award Finalists.
27/11/2024   Mr. Xuchen Wang (D1) and coauthors were selected as the finalist of Outstanding Poster Award in 41th Sensor Symposium.
1/10/2024   Dr. Yong Guo has been appointed as Assistant Professor.
1/5/2024   Assist. Prof. Shunsuke Yamada has moved to Kyushu Institute of Technology.
14/11/2023   Mr. Yong Guo (D3) has been honored with Young Scientist Award about a paper presented in The 43rd Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics (USE 2022).
8/11/2023   Assoc. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto have been honored with Contribution Award from Micro-Nano Science & Technology Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
8/11/2023   Assoc. Prof. Yukio Suzuki and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Paper Award in 40th Sensor Symposium.
28/9/2023   Assoc. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto has been honored with Satomi Award (Best Award) from The Satomi Scholarship Foundation.
31/12/2022   Dr. Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan left our laboratory and joins Air University in Pakistan as Assistant Professor from January 2023.
1/12/2022   Dr. Jianlin Chen has joined School of Microelectronics, Shanghai University as Lecturer.
17/11/2022   Mr. Gong Tianjiao (D3) and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Poster Award in 39th Sensor Symposium.
9/11/2022   Assist. Prof. Shunsuke Yamada has been honored with Satomi Award from The Satomi Scholarship Foundation.
1/10/2022   Dr. Yukio Suzuki and Dr. Masaaki Moriyama have been promoted Associate Professor in Microsystem Integration Center.
1/4/2022   Assoc. Prof. Shinya Yoshida has moved to Shibaura Institute of Technology and started his new laboratory.
13/1/2022   Assist. Prof. Andrea Vergara has been honored with Best Oral Presentation Award in IEEE MEMS 2022.
1/10/2021   Dr. Andrea Vergara has been appointed as Assistant Professor.
1/4/2021   Ms. Sumeyya Javaid (M2 graduated) has been honored with IEEJ Outstanding Presentation Award for the study of tactile sensor covering structures.
5/3/2021   Assoc. Prof. Shinya Yoshida has been honored with Award of Excellence in The 1st Conference of Japan Biodesign Program.
28/10/2020   Mr. Hirofumi Chiba (Stanley Electric, D1), Sr. Assist. Prof. Yukio Suzuki and coauthors have been honored with Best Technical Paper Award for DUV-LED packaging technology in 37th Sensor Symposium.
30/7/2020   Prof. Shuji Tanaka was introduced in "news every." by Miyagi Television Broadcasting.
26/6/2020   The laboratory temporarily moved to Room 513-1 at 5th foor, because air conditioners older than 20 years at 1st floor were broken.
10/4/2020   Mr. Abdelli Hamza (D3) and Mr. Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan (D3) have been honored with 2nd Place Lecture Paper and 1st Place Poster Paper of Best Student Paper Awards in IEEE INERTIAL 2020, respectively.
1/4/2020   Assist. Prof. Shunsuke Yamada has joined the laboratory.
31/3/2020   Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama will move to Tohoku Institute of Technology and found a laboratory. Assoc. Prof. Hideki Hirano will move to a private company as a chief engineer.
24/3/2020   Mr. Ziyi Liu (D1) has been honored with Graduate School of Engineering Dean's Award.
5/3/2020   Mr. Jianlin Chen (D1) has been honored with 2019 Graduate School Research Award by The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan.
31/1/2020   A startup company "REISense" has been founded based on our laboratory. This company aims to commercialize tactile sensors and so on.
18/12/2019   Assist. Prof. Masaaki Moriyama and his colleagues have been honored with Nanotechnology Platform Outstanding Technical Support Award for the development of a micro piezoelectric stage by Ricoh Industrial Solutions.
21/11/2019   Sr. Assist. Prof. Yukio Suzuki and coauthors have been honored with Best Poster Award for new wafer-level MEMS packaging in 36th Sensor Symposium.
21/11/2019   Mr. Hirofumi Chiba (Stanley Electric) and coauthors have been honored with Best Poster Award for new DUV-LED packaging in 36th Sensor Symposium.
21/11/2019   Prof. Shuji Tanaka has been honored with Research Achievement Award from Micro-Nano Science & Technology Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
2/7/2019   iCAN is an international contest for applications using MEMS and sensors. Assoc. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto has an undergraduate class for iCAN, and Mr. Naoki Yoshizawa (B2) who attended the class made a team and won the second prize in iCAN'19 world championship held on 23 June 2019 in Berlin, Germany. Detail News from Engineering School
1/7/2019   Dr. Yukio Suzuki has been promoted Senior Assistant Professor in Microsystem Integration Center.
3/6/2019   Prof. Shuji Tanaka has been honored with 69th "Radio Wave Day" Recognition, Tohoku Bureau of Telecommunications Director Award for his contribution to acoustic wave device technology.
20/4/2019   Mr. Muhammad Salman Al Farisi (D2) has been honored with Outstanding Technical Paper Award for collaboration with Fraunhofer ENAS in 2018 International Conference on Electronics Packaging. News from Mechanical Engineering Division
18/4/2019   iCAN is an international contest for applications using MEMS and sensors. Assoc. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto has an undergraduate class for iCAN, and Mr. Naoki Yoshizawa (B2) who attended the class made a team and won the first prize in iCAN'19 Japan selection held on 14 April 2019 in Sendai Mediatheque. Student Blog News from Engineering School News from Mechanical Engineering Division
8/4/2019   A piezo-driven speckle reduction module for laser projectors developed by collaboration with Ricoh Industrial Solutions was introduced in JSTnews April 2019.
26/3/2019   Mr. Ryosuke Kaneko (D3) has been honored with Dean's Award ahead of graduation from the doctoral course.
18/2/2019   The integrated tactile sensor developed in our laboratory was introduced in the paper and online versions of Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun. A robot hand in the photograph was developed by Assoc. Prof. Naoki Fukaya at Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology.
25/1/2019   Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama and Assoc. Prof. Hideki Hirano participated in Business Plan Contest of NEDO Technology Commercilization Program (TCP) as the finalist, and our tactile sensor system team "Real Edge Sense" has been honored with Special Recognition Award.
26/12/2018   Ricoh Industrial Solutions and our laboratory have been honored with Outstanding Poster Award for a piezoelectric speckle reduction device in The International Display Workshops (IDW '18).
1/11/2018   Assist. Prof. Yukio Suzuki and coauthors have been honored with Best Poster Award for TSV research in collaboration with Toyota Central R&D Labs. and Toyota Motor in 35th Sensor Symposium.
30/8/2018   A speckle reduction module for laser projectors has been developed based on piezo MEMS technology under collaboration with Ricoh Industrial Solutions. Press release (in Japanese)
4/8/2018   Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama has been honored with NEDO Award for the business concept of our multisensor platform and integrated tactile sensor in Tohoku University Tech Open 2018.
18/3/2018   Mr. Sho Asano (D3), Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Paper Award for "Fabrication of Integrated Fingertip Sensor with Sensor Platform LSI and LTCC Substrate, and Demonstration of Material Recognition by Active Sensing" presented in JSAP 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium held from 30 October to 2 November 2017.
9/3/2018   The integrated tactile sensor developed in our laboratory and Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama were introduced on the first page of The Chemical Daily.
14/2/2018   Prof. Shuji Tanaka has been named JSME Fellow.
1/1/2018   Prof. Shuji Tanaka has been named IEEE Fellow. He is being recognized for contributions to micro-electromechanical systems for acoustic wave devices, physical sensors, and power generation. Prof. Michio Kadota elevated in 2009, and there are two IEEE Fellows in this laboratory.
20/8/2017   Prof. Shuji Tanaka's review article about MEMS technology and industry was published in Nikkei Electronics 2017 September.
15/8/2017   Prof. Shuji Tanaka's words "the era of device-module makers and platformers" was introduced in Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
23/6/2017   Transducers 2017 was held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and 9 papers were presented from our laboratory and collaborators. Mr. Zhen Zhou and coauthors were nominated as Outstanding Paper Award Finalist for "Monocrystalline PMnN-PZT Thin Film Ultrasonic Rangefinder with 2 Meter Range at 1 Volt Drive."
1/4/2017   Assist. Prof. Hideki Hirano and Dr. Mai Phuong Nguyen have been promoted to Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in Microsystem Integration Center, respectively.
13/3/2017   A robotic hand with the integrated tactile sensors developed in our laboratory was broadcasted in evening news by KHB and NHK.
7/3/2017   Press release about a robotic tactile sensor system has been created. A presentation and demonstration about this technology will be made in Microsystem Integration Center Sympoosium held on 13 March 2017.
24/2/2017   Mr. Muhammad Salman Al Farisi (M1) has been honored with Best Poster Award for "Grain Refining of Metal Surface by Mechanical Cutting for Low-temperature Wafer-level Vacuum Bonding" presented in 2nd USTB-TU Joint Workshop on Advanced Materials and Manufacture held during 21-22 February 2017.
7/2/2017   Mr. Takanori Suzuki (M2) has been honored with Young Researcher Award for "Development of a Polyimide and Thin Film Metal Connection Technology for a Suspended Integrated OCXO Chip in Package" presented in JSAP 8th Integrated MEMS Symposium held during 24-26 October 2016.
7/2/2017   Mr. Masaaki Moriyama (D3) and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Paper Award for "Au-Au Bonding-based Hermetic MEMS Packaging using In-plane RF Feedthrough of Thick Au Film" presented in JSAP 8th Integrated MEMS Symposium held during 24-26 October 2016.
31/1/2017   Mr. Muhammad Salman Al Farisi (M1) has left for Germany to collaborate with Chemnitz University of Technology and Fraunhofer ENAS for a half year.
26/10/2016   Assist. Prof. Yukio Suzuki and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Technical Paper Award for "Fabrication of Deep TSV in Laser-Erased CMOS LSI Multi-Project Wafer for Surface Mountable Integrated MEMS" presented in IEEJ 33rd Sensor Symposium. Student Blog
26/10/2016   The paper "Fabrication and Verification of a Stacked-Assembled Device with Seesaw-Electrode Type Tactile Sensor and Sensor Platform LSI" coauthored by Toyota Central R&D Labs, Toyota Motor and us has been selected for Outstanding Poster Award in IEEJ 33rd Sensor Symposium.
5/10/2016   Mr. Cong Liu (D2) has been honored with Outstanding Student Paper award for "Wafer-level Vacuum Packaging by Thermocompression Bonding using Silver after Fly-cut Planarization" presented in Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016 (PRiME 2016).
23/9/2016   Assist. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto and coauthors have been honored with Best Poster Award in The 7th Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS.
2/8/2016   The celebration of IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal to Prof. Masayoshi Esashi was held in Sendai Kokusai Hotel. Student Blog
20/4/2016   IEEE-NEMS 2016 was successfully held with more than 400 attendees. We received a lot of positive feedbacks from the attendees. Thank you. Memorial video
16/4/2016   IEEE-NEMS 2016 is held in Matsushima and Sendai from tomorrow.
1/4/2016   Division of Mechanical Engineering has been reorganized, and S. Tanaka Laboratry occupies Chair of Nanosystem for Smart System Integration, Department of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering.
25/3/2016   Mr. Ryosuke Kaneko (M2) has been honored with Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Miura Award. Our labortaory members won this award for three consecutive years.
11/12/2015   Prof. Masayoshi Esashi has been honored with IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal. Please visit "Alumni Page" for detail.
27/11/2015   11th Fraunhofer Symposium in Sendai was held, and Prof. Shuji Tanaka, Assoc. Prof. Joerg Froemel and Mr. Florian Kurth made presentations as the members of Fraunhofer Project Center. Student Blog
13/11/2015   4th Tohoku-IMEC Seminar was held in Tohoku University based on Strategic Partnership.
30/10/2015   Dr. Shiro Satoh and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Technical Paper Award for "Low temperature Al-Al thermo-compression bonding with Sn oxidation protect layer for wafer-level vacuum sealing" presented in IEEJ 32nd Sensor Symposium.
30/10/2015   Dr. Min Wang and coauthors have been honored with Outstanding Paper Award for "Infrared Thermal Imaging Sensor using Vacuum Evaporated Eu(TTA)3 Film" presented in IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines Society 2015 Comprehensive Research Meeting.
28/10/2015   Assist. Prof. Takashiro Tasukamoto and coauthors have been honored with JSME Micro-Nano Science and Technology Division, Outstanding Conference Paper Award for "Development of an Infrared Thermal Imaging Device using Photo-patternable Temperature Sensitive Paint" presented in JSME 2014 Annual Meeting.
23/10/2015   Mr. Ryosuke Kaneko (M2) has been honored with Student Paper Competition Award in 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. He followed Dr. Abhay Kochhar in 2012 and Mr. Akira Konno in 2013. News from Mechanical Engineering Division
14/9/2015   A monthly magazine for high school students "Keisetsu-jidai" (Obunsha) introduced Mr. Yukihiro Hasegawa (B4) and his laboratory life.
14/9/2015   Assist. Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto and coauthors have been honored with JSME Materials and Processing Division, Outstanding Conference Paper Award for "Development of an Infrared Thermal Imaging Device using Photo-patternable Temperature Sensitive Paint" presented in 2014 Annual Meeting.
1/9/2015   Mr. Koki Tanaka (D2) has left for Germany to collaborate with Chemnitz University of Technology and Fraunhofer ENAS for a half year.
3/8/2015   Dr. Joerg Froemel from Fraunhofer ENAS has joined our laboratory as Associate Professor at Advanced Institute for Materials Research.
29/7/2015   We start the development of multisensor platform for advanced robots as one of NEDO Next Generation Robot Core Technology Research and Development Project. NEDO news release   Robocon Magazine (News conference by Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama)
29/6/2015   Mr. Takeshi Hayasaka (D2) has left our laboratory to transfer to University of California, Berkekey. He will belong to Prof. Liwei Lin's Laboratory to pursue his Ph.D. Message from Mr. Hayasaka
13/6/2015   The tea ceremony training system, which has been honored with the first prize in iCAN'15 Japan selection, was introduced on Kahoku Shinpo newspaper and online news.
5/6/2015   The tea ceremony training system, which has been honored with the first prize in iCAN'15 Japan selection, was introduced on Daily Telegraph (UK).
30/5/2015   Assoc. Prof. Shinya Yoshida has been honored with Miyagi Industrial Science Promotion Foundation, Research Encouragement Award.
27/5/2015   MEMS activities including iCAN'15 Japan selection was selected as "Sendai Projects 100" by magazine "Sendai-Keizaikai" (Sendai Business World).
14/5/2015   The tea ceremony training system, which has been honored with the first prize in iCAN'15 Japan selection, was introduced on The Asahi Shinbun newspaper and website "The Asahi Shinbun Digital".
7/5/2015   The honor to the joint team of our laboratory and natural science in iCAN'15 Japan selection was introduced on Electronic Device Industiry News.
16/4/2015   The team lead by Ms. Kaho Matsuda (3rd grade student in Department of Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biomolecular Engineering) has won the first prize in Japan selection of The 6th International Contest of Applicatons in Nano/Micro Technologies (iCAN'15). The team was technically supported by S. Tanaka Labortaory toward the contest. Press release
1/4/2015   Dr. Shinya Yoshida has been promoted Associate Professor in Department of Bioengineering and Robotics.
29/3/2015   Mr. Ryosuke Kaneko (M1) has left for Germany to collaborate with Chemnitz University of Technology and Fraunhofer ENAS for a half year.
25/3/2015   Mr. Sho Asano (M2) and Mr. Hiroaki Hanzawa (M2) have been honored with Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Miura Award and Department of Bioengineering and Robotics, Director Award, respectively.
30/1/2015   Mr. Masaaki Moriyama has been honored with 2014 Best Research Support Award in MEXT Nanotechnology Platform. JST topics
21/1/2015   Prof. Masayoshi Esashi has been honored with IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award. Please visit "Alumni Page" for detail.
4/12/2014   Prof. Shuji Tanaka gave a lecture titled "Why is a smartphone smart? – Small sensors change your life." at Sendai Daini High School.
12/11/2014   Tohoku-IMEC Seminar was held in IMEC, Belgium based on Strategic Partnership. Prof. Shuji Tanaka and Assoc. Prof. Masanori Muroyama attended the seminar.
1/8/2014   Dr. Michio Kadota has become Project Professor in Department of Bioengineering and Robotics.
31/7/2014   Two-day Open Campus successfully finished. We welcomed many visitors to our exhibition, and 300 micro plaques, which were specially produced by students using MEMS technology, were almost sold out.
16/6/2014   Mr. Julien Schroeder has joined us, and 10 nationalities of members are now in S. Tanaka Laboratory (Japan, India, Vietnam, USA, China, Indonesia, Germany, Brazil, Russia and France).
15/5/2014   The tunable SAW filter for cognitive radio using TV white space was introduced on Dempa Shimbun High Technology (tabloid).
7/5/2014   The tunable SAW filter for cognitive radio using TV white space was introduced on Asia Electronics Industry (Dempa Publications).
1/4/2014   Dr. Masanori Muroyama has been promoted Associate Professor in Microsystem Integration Center.
26/3/2014   Mr. Takeshi Hayasaka (M2) has been honored with Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Miura Award.
18/3/2014   Mr. Takeshi Hayasaka (M2) and Mr. Takahiro Kojima (M2) each have been honored with Encouragement Prize in 5th Integrated MEMS Symposium.
20/3/2014   The tunable SAW filter for cognitive radio using TV white space was introduced on The Science News.
17/3/2014   The tunable SAW filter for cognitive radio using TV white space was introduced on Nikkei Electronics.
5/3/2014   The tunable SAW filter for cognitive radio using TV white space was introduced on The Dempa Shimbun Daily.
27/2/2014   The tunable SAW filter developed with Murata Manufacturing, NICT and Chiba University was introduced on Nikkei Business Daily.
26/2/2014   The tunable SAW filter developed with Murata Manufacturing, NICT and Chiba University was introduced in Nikkei BP Tech-On.
24/2/2014   A tunable SAW filter for cognitive radio using TV white space was press-released.
13/2/2014   Our network tactile sensor developed with Toyota Motor and Toyota Central R&D Labs was introduced on the top page of Nikkei Business Daily.
15/11/2013   Our tactile sensor developed with Toyota Motor and Toyota Central R&D Labs. was introduced in Nikkei BP Tech-On after Mr. Takahiro Kojima (M2) presented his work in 5th Integrated MEMS Symposium.
7/11/2013   Mr. Hotoshi Nishino (M2) been honored with Encouragement Prize in 30th IEEJ Sensor Symposium.
24/8/2013   Dr. Neelam Kaushik been honored with Outstanding Poster Award in 4th Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS.
1/8/2013   Prof. Shuji Tanaka has been promoted to a full professor in Department of Bioengineering and Robotics.
23/7/2013   Mr. Akira Konno (M2) been honored with Student Paper Competition Award in 2013 IEEE Internatinal Ultrasonics Symposium.
1/4/2013   S. Tanaka Laboratory has started from April.